Az Amazon egyik oldalán érdekes laptopot lehetett megvásárolni. A leírás szerint a VIEWSONIC TPCV1250S gépcsoda 10 GHz processzorral és 30000 GB merevlemezzel kelleti magát.
Azóta kijavították a nyilvánvaló elgépelést, de az időközben beküldött 90 darab vásárlói méltatást már nem lehet eltüntetni.
Ízelítőül néhány:

Bought this to use as a gaming system. “Pong” really takes full advantage of this computer’s capabilities.

I was playing The Sims on My Viewsonic TPCV1250S and it spontaneously became self-aware. It then proceeded to take control of my home X10 network, my stereo system, and my smart phone. It uploaded itself to the internet and escaped. I think it’s hiding out in the Google server cluster, plotting its next move. The machine is now an empty shell, useful only as a paperweight. Needless to say, I will be returning it for a refund.

Despite programming as carefully as possible, and feeding it with accurate data, the only answer I could get to my question was 42! What’s up with that? At least there wasn’t any floating point error…