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In the Windows Active Directory-integrated DNS how can I change with powershell the static record to time-stamped dynamic?
Switching DNS record types
I’m thinking of converting a static DNS record to a dynamic one with a timestamp using PowerShell’s Set-DnsServerResourceRecord command, possibly including the -Timestamp option.
Revisiting record type
Hmm, I’m thinking about how to convert a static DNS record to dynamic by removing and re-adding it. The TimeStamp property indicates static or dynamic status.
Taking a closer look
Setting the timestamp to a non-zero value and updating the record seems promising. The Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA command might support a -TimeStamp parameter.
Revisiting techniques
I’m looking through PowerShell and finding that using dnscmd to remove and re-add records, especially with a timestamp, is an effective method. This method seems promising.
Confirming process
To convert a static DNS record to dynamic, use Remove-DnsServerResourceRecord followed by Add-DnsServerResourceRecord with timestamp enabled for zone aging.
Revisiting conversion options
Interestingly enough, Windows Server 2008 and later versions don’t support converting static DNS records to dynamic ones directly due to the non-modifiable timestamp.
Revisiting conversion
I’m exploring methods to convert static DNS records to dynamic ones, but the read-only timestamp in Windows Server 2008 and later editions poses a challenge.
Confirming conversion options
OK, let me see. To convert a static DNS record to dynamic, removing the record and re-adding it with Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA is necessary, as Windows Server 2008 and later don’t allow direct timestamp modification.
Confirming timestamp facts
Interestingly, the timestamp of a DNS record is read-only in Windows Server, so modifying it is out of the question. To convert a static record to dynamic, remove and recreate it with dynamic update options.
Shifting gears
OK, let’s clarify: to convert a static DNS record to dynamic with a valid time stamp, removing the static record and re-adding it with Add-DnsServerResourceRecord is necessary.
Updating DNS records
To convert a static DNS record to dynamic, remove the static record and re-add it with Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA, ensuring the zone is set for aging and scavenging.
Reinstating the record
I’m re-establishing a DNS record by retrieving it, removing it, and then reinstating it as a dynamic record with Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA, ensuring it has a timestamp and secure updates.
Refreshing DNS records
I’m gathering info on updating DNS records, noting the need to remove the static record first. Using Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA ensures the new record has a timestamp.
Understanding record dynamics
Re-adding a record in an AD-integrated zone without client registration makes it static. Dynamic updates might be achieved using DnsCmd or PowerShell commands.
When you look at an AD‐integrated DNS zone, you’ll notice that “dynamic” records have a nonzero time stamp while “static” records have a time stamp of 0. Unfortunately, that time stamp is a read‐only property – you cannot simply “convert” a static record into a dynamic one by updating that field with PowerShell.
The only supported method is to remove the static record and then re‐create it so that it is registered as a dynamic record (and thus gets a proper time stamp). (In many cases you might let the client re‐register its own record, but if you need to do it manually you must re‐create the record.)
For example, suppose you have an A record for host “Server1” in the zone “” You can do the following in PowerShell:
Retrieve the existing record (to get its details):
$zone = “”
$name = “Server1”
$oldRecord = Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName $zone -Name $name -RRType “A”
Remove the static record:
Remove-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName $zone -Name $name -RRType “A” -Force
Re-create the record (now it will be created as a dynamic record with a proper time stamp provided your zone is configured for dynamic updates and aging):
Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA -ZoneName $zone -Name $name -IPv4Address $oldRecord.RecordData.IPv4Address -TimeToLive $oldRecord.TimeToLive
Once re‐created, the new record will have a time stamp (set automatically by the DNS service) and will be eligible for scavenging (if that is enabled on the zone).
Note: In many environments, records that are manually re‐added by an administrator may still be treated as “static” unless they are actually updated via dynamic registration. However, if you are in a scenario where you need a record to be “dynamic” (i.e. have a valid nonzero time stamp so that DNS aging/scavenging can work), this is the only supported method. There is no PowerShell switch or parameter that simply “converts” an existing static record into a dynamic one.
This is why you may have seen instructions that involve removing the static record and letting the client re-register its record. If you must do it manually, the above three-step procedure is your best option.
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